Below is an overview of National Antibiotic Prescribing
Browse each plot below and use the links to find out more
Antibiotic Prescribing in the UK
Prescriptions given
Antibiotic prescriptions deviating from guidelines
The boxes above summarise the number of infection-related consultations and the number of consultations that resulted in an antibiotic prescription within 389 UK Primary Care practices between January 2015 and December 2017. The boxes also demonstrate the number of prescriptions issued that deviate from the first- and second- line recommended antibiotic treatment in national guidelines (NICE; PHE: GMMMG).
This graph splits patients into five groups from the lowest to the highest risk (as assessed by a clinical risk prediction model), and shows the corresponding prescribing rate for each of the groups. Ideally, the majority of the highest risk patients should receive an antibiotic prescription, whereas the majority of the lowest risk patients should not. The red line shows a theoretical ideal prescribing situation, whereas the blue line shows the current state of prescribing in primary care.
Prescribing Rates Distribution of Primary Care Practices in the UK
Distribution of antibiotic prescribing standardized by 1000 STAR-PUs for 303 UK Primary Care practices. The black dot places an indexed practice from the drop-down menu inside one of the three intervals delimited by colours. Green for prescribing rates below 25% quantile, red for prescribing rates above 75% quantile, and orange for the middle segment. The plot captures nationwide variation in prescribing rates.